Human Genetics, Environment, and Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications |
Mon. & Tues., Feb. 4-5, 2002 @ Lerner Hall in Columbia University
The conference, "Human Genetics, Environment and Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications," will create a unique forum for a dialogue between scientists, policymakers, community advocates, and experts from legal and other professional fields. This conference creates a unique opportunity by prioritizing community participation in a discussion on the science and ethics of genetic research, and by creating a forum in which technical experts and community leaders can participate as equals. The first goal of our conference is to help educate environmental justice and other community advocates on the science and policy behind genetic research in a simple yet comprehensive format accessible to the layperson. Similarly we feel it is important that scientists and policymakers are educated on the environmental and social justice issues that affect and are affected by genetic research.
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National Alternative Fuels Day and Environmental Summit
Thur., Apr. 11, 2002 @ Hostos Community College from 11:00AM – 7:00PM (tentative)
The National Alternative Fuels Day and Environmental Summit is a unique opportunity for community leaders, fleet managers, and elected officials to discuss alternative fuel transportation strategies and solutions for the long-term improvement of air quality in the NYC Metropolitan Area.
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Solar Lecture & Hands-On Seminar
Friday-Sunday, April 19-21, 2002 @ Bronx Community College
Lecture on Friday (FREE) about the new developments in photovoltaic (PV) technology, and a hands-on workshop on Saturday and Sunday ($60 registration fee) on building a small PV solar charger for AA, C, & D batteries.
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Earth Day 2002 in Morningside Park
Sunday, April 21, 2002 in Morningside Park from 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Our goal for Earth Day is to bring together a diverse group of community members, students, and organizations in the belief that we are all environmentalists and have a stake in local, national, and global issues. We believe that by bringing these groups together into the park, we can help connect them with their local natural environment. By educating and motivating people, we hope to encourage them to play an active role in protecting our natural resources.
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“Blue Vinyl” (A Toxic Comedy for the Whole Family)
Sunday, May 5, 2002 on HBO @ 10:00PM (EST)
An incredible odyssey that follows the lifecycle of vinyl from Long Island, NY, to Mardi Gras in Lake Charles, Louisiana, to the heart of your very own home. Along the way, learn how much our reliance on vinyl (a.k.a. PVC plastic) could be costing communities, workers, children, our health and the environment. It’s a journey you can’t afford to miss.
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Health And Environmental Awareness Fair (All Day)
Saturday, September 14, 2002 @ East 101st. Street (btw. Lexington & Park Ave.)
West Harlem Environmental Action (WEACT) in partnership with The Children's Aid Society and East Harlem Center Parent Group presents the WEACT Health and Environmental Awareness Fair on Saturday, September 14 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM at East 101st Streets between Lexington and Park Avenues. Admission is free and open to people of all ages.
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( PDF Download of Flyers Available)
Second National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit
Wed.-Sun., Oct. 23-27, 2002 @ Washington, DC
In 1991, over one thousand national and international environmental activists gathered in Washington, DC at the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit where the environmental justice movement was born, mobilizing these activists to respond to environmental racism issues. Now, in 2002, we gather to assess the progress made since 1991 and to develop the strategies for the next decade and beyond.
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