Healthy Schools Network Breakfast
Thur., Jan. 18, 2001 @ the MetLifeŽ Harlem Financial Services Center from 8:30AM - 11:30AM
Join us in a breakfast to inform attendees about the conditions in our schools and to solicit input on an agenda for change to protect our children.
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"The Chemical Industry and Public Health" Presented by Health Care Without Harm
Mon., Mar. 26, 2001 @ the CUNY Graduate Center from 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Since "Silent Spring", health advocates and the chemical industry has disagreed over the safety of pesticides, PVC plastic, dioxin, diesel fumes and other toxic chemicals. Who is right? Can we assume that government and industry are providing adequate protections against dangerous chemicals? If we can't, how do we make smart decisions to protect our health, our family's health and the health of the community?
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"Trade Secrets"
Mon., Mar. 26, 2001 on PBS Channel 13 from 9:00PM - 10:30PM
"Trade Secrets", a 90-minute PBS special starring Bill Moyers that will reveal how the chemical industry has kept the answers to these questions locked up behind their boardroom doors. The program airs at 9 PM EST on Channel 13.
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Northern Manhattan Alternative Fuel Workshop
Fri., May 4, 2001 @ City College from 9:00AM - 1:00PM
In partnership with the Department of Energy's project called Clean Cities, WE ACT is working to promote the use of cleaner exhaust technologies. Alternative fuels can be electricity, compressed natural gas, and others that pollute less than dirty, unhealthy diesel fuel. The goal of the project is to inform local business people and fleet managers as to the availability of cleaner products and to help those who own diesel fleets to access federal money available for conversion. This Spring, WE ACT will host an Alternative Fuels Workshop for Northern Manhattan.
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Human Genetics, Environment, and Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications
Thur. & Fri., Sept. 20-21, 2001 @ Lerner Hall in Columbia University
The conference, "Human Genetics, Environment and Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications," will create a unique forum for a dialogue between scientists, policymakers, community advocates, and experts from legal and other professional fields. This conference creates a unique opportunity by prioritizing community participation in a discussion on the science and ethics of genetic research, and by creating a forum in which technical experts and community leaders can participate as equals. The first goal of our conference is to help educate environmental justice and other community advocates on the science and policy behind genetic research in a simple yet comprehensive format accessible to the layperson. Similarly we feel it is important that scientists and policymakers are educated on the environmental and social justice issues that affect and are affected by genetic research.
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