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Maps generated with WEACT around Air Quality Issues:
  1. Polluting Facilities & Children Asthma Hospitalizations in 1996
    Polluting facilities in Manhattan and their proximity to ZIP codes with high asthma hospitalization rates for children 0-4 years old in 1996.

  2. Polluting Facilities & Children Asthma Hospitalizations in 2000
    Polluting facilities in Manhattan and their proximity to ZIP codes with high asthma hospitalization rates for children 0-4 years old in 2000.

  3. The Asthma, Diesel Connection
    Diesel polluting facilities in Manhattan and their proximity to ZIP codes with high asthma hospitalization rates for children 0-4 years old in 1996.

  4. MTA Diesel Bus Depots in Communities of Color
    Locations of Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) bus depots across New York City's Communities of Color by US Census Tract in 1990.

  5. MTA Diesel Bus Depots & PA Bus Terminals in Communities of Color
    Locations of Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) bus depots and Port Authority (PA) bus terminals across New York City's Communities of Color by US Census Tract in 1990.

  6. The Diesel Bus Pollution Correlation
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in New York City in relation to the locations of Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Bus Depots and Port Authority (PA) Bus Terminals.

  7. 1990 Diesel Particulate Matter Concentrations Across the American Northeastern States (By Census Tract)
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in approximately 14 states in America's northeast corridor.
    [11x17 Ledger Size]

  8. Asthma Discharge Rates Per 10,000 Residents for 1999
    Asthma Per Person Discharge (PPD) rates per 10,000 residents by ZIP code for New York City in 1999 in relation to truck routes that allow out-of-state traffic not just local traffic.

Maps generated with WEACT around Waterfront Development & Waterfront Access Issues:
  1. Existing Marine Waste Transfer And Handling Facilities
    The locations of existing marine waste transfer stations and handling facilities owned by the Department of Sanitation (DOS) in New York City in 2003.

  2. Waterfront Property Ownership
    The 1998 land parcel property ownership information for the waterfront catchment area comprising our Harlem on the River waterfront park project by tax lot.

Maps generated with the Columbia Center For Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) around Quality of Life Issues:
  1. Percent of Persons Under the Age of 17
    Percentage of young adults under the age of 17 in New York City by Health Area.

  2. Percent of Single Parent Families
    Percentage of single parent families living in New York City by Health Area.

  3. Percent of Births to Women Under The Age of 18
    Percentage of births to young women under the age of 18 in New York City by Health Area.

  4. Percent of Persons Separated or Divorced
    Percentage of persons that are separated or divorced in New York City by Health Area.

  5. Median Household Income
    Actual median household income (in US dollars) for residents in New York City by Health Area.

  6. Percent of Persons Below the Poverty Level
    Percentage of persons that live below the Federal poverty level in New York City by Health Area.

  7. Percent of Persons Living in the Same House in 1985
    Percentage of persons that live in the same house as they did in 1985 in New York City by Health Area.

  8. Percent of Foreign-Born Population
    Percentage of population born outside of the United States that now live in New York City by Health Area.

  9. Percent of Work Force Unemployed
    Percentage of the workforce in New York City that is unemployed by Health Area.

  10. Percent of Hispanic Population
    Percentage of the Hispanic population in New York City by Health Area.

  11. Percent African American (Non-Hispanic)
    Percentage of the African-American (Non-Hispanic) Population in New York City by Health Area.

  12. Percent of Housing Units with Less Than One Person Per Room
    Percentage of housing units with more than one person per room (signifies an element of crowding in the home) in New York City by Health Area.

  13. Percent of Vacant Housing Units
    Percentage of vacant housing units in New York City by Health Area.

  14. Percent of Persons 25 Years Old And Over Without a High School Diploma
    Percentage of persons over 25 years old without a high school diploma in New York City by Health Area.

  15. Percent of Low Birth Weights (Less Than 2,500grams [5.5 pounds])
    Percentage of low-weight births of less than 2,500-grams (5.5-pounds) to mothers in New York City by Health Area.

Maps generated with Inform, Inc. for the National Alternative Fuels Day and Environmental Summit (April 2002):
  1. Asthma Hospitalization Rates by Neighborghood Children Aged 0-14, New York City, 2000
    The asthma hospitalization rates by ZIP code and UHF neighborhood for children 0-14 years old in New York City in 2000.

Maps generated with the Northeastern States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) around Air Quality Issues:
  1. 1990 Diesel Particulate Matter (PM) Concentrations Across Connecticut's Census Tracts
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in the state of Connecticut.

  2. 1990 Diesel Particulate Matter (PM) Concentrations Across Connecticut's Census Tracts
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in Hartford county in the state of Connecticut.

  3. 1990 Diesel Particulate Matter (PM) Concentrations Across Maine's Census Tracts
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in the state of Maine.

  4. 1990 Diesel Particulate Matter (PM) Concentrations Across Maine's Census Tracts
    1990 Concentrations of modeled diesel particulate matter (PM) air toxics emissions from road sources for each US Census Tract in the lower one-third of the state of Maine.

Maps Generated for South Bronx Clean Air Coalition:
  1. South Bronx Environmental Scope
    The locations of environmentally unfriendly facilities and areas of public housing and education in the South Bronx in 2000.

This Site Affiliated With The:
Community/University Consortium
for Regional Environmental Justice (CUCREJ)

This Site Developed & Maintained By:
West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc.
Copyright © 1998-2007. All Rights Reserved.
Web Manager: Carlos M. Jusino
Content Manager: Carlos M. Jusino

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