Part 1: Contact Information
Organization Name:
Organization's Street Address:
Zip Code:
Organization Telephone:
Name & Title of Agency Contact:
Contact Person's Telephone:
Contact's E-Mail:
Part 2: Questions
1. What are the most common health related problems that your constituents/members report that you think are related to the environment? How frequently are these problems reported per month?
2. Have your constituents/members ever inquired about any of the following conditions? (Please check all that apply)
Indoor air quality
If you checked any box above, what questions do they have?
3. What questions do your constituents/members ask your organization about housing quality , such as repair and maintenance, apartment/building conditions, and/or negligent landlords? (ex: trash pile-up, loose stairwell railing, rodent problems)
4. How many constituents/members, on average, complain of asthma or respiratory-related illness (e.g. bronchitis, emphysema, allergies) per month?
5. Where do your constituents/members currently go to receive information on health and housing issues? (ex: clinics, family, newspapers, tenant associations, schools, Dept. of Health) ?
6. WE ACT will schedule Healthy Homes' trainings/workshops for interested organizations and groups. Which of the following trainings would you and/or your constituents most likely attend? (Please check all that apply) .
Children’s Environmental Health
Indoor air quality
Asthma & Diesel
7. What environmental health resources would best benefit your constituents? (Please check all that apply) .
Interactive Workshops/Trainings
Organizing Resources
Fact Sheets
Legislative Advocacy
8. Tell us how likely is your participation in a citywide Housing & Health Leadership Council that is empowered to advocate for policy reforms and improved housing conditions. (Please check all that apply)
Definitely interested
Not interested at all
Semi Interested
Maybe, but I doubt it
9. Please take a moment to recommend other groups who might benefit from our Healthy Homes workshops:
Part 3: In addition to the survey, here are some questions pertaining to common situations that occur in the home. Your answers will help us create workshops that address environmental issues that are common to you and your family. Please respond to the questions honestly.
1. If a constituent/member walks into his/her building and sees a large crack in the wall with paint chipping along the edges of the crack, what does s/he do?
2. On Monday, a tenant enters her kitchen and sees two cockroaches crawling on the floor. She kills the cockroaches by stepping on them. The next day, she sees three more cockroaches crawling on her kitchen floor and along the wall, what does she do about this recurring problem?
A. Use a pesticide killer (ex: Tempo)
B. Mop the floor, empty the trash, and clean all the dishes
C. Meet with other residents to see if they are having the same problem
3. A young child is sitting in the living room watching television. Her father comes into the room and lights up a cigarette. What do you do?
A. Say nothing
B. Open a window
C. Visit a clinic to learn about smoking cessation programs
D. Tell him not to worry, tobacco smoke is only harmful to the smoker
4. A tenant notices that a fuzzy, dark green mold is growing on the surface of her sink in the bathroom. The bathroom is damp with moisture and the mold often reappears, so the woman is unsure of how to permanently remove the mold from her sink. She should:
A. Increase the ventilation or air movement in the room by opening a window
B. Use her fingernails to scrape the mold away
C. Scrub the mold off the sink surface with detergent and water, and dry completely.
D. Both A and C
5. We welcome any additional comments you would like to provide: